Ensure The Safety Of Your Container Homes Built By Shipping Container Manufacturers In Dubai!
If you are living in a modified container home or have extensive Shipping Container Storage Plans to use containers for storage of your valuables, then the first measure you should take is towards the safety of your container homes and buildings. Whether you should invest or not in securing your container homes depends upon the level of safety you need for the people living inside and the value of the goods stored inside.
Here we list out some of the simplest and most effective security options you could consider for securing your container homes and buildings:-
Light Up Your Exteriors
Since most of the theft and criminal activities are prone to happen at night, it is always advised to get some good lights for the front and backyards of your container homes. It is also recommended to have backup power for the lights in case of any power cuts. Most thieves and intruders are not likely to enter your premises if the building is well surrounded by light.
Another easy and secure method is to lock your doors using padlocks. There are several kinds of padlocks available now in the market. You could use conventional padlocks but these can be easily cut using bolt cutters. But there are circular padlocks called disc padlocks which have smaller shackles, closed shackles in which almost all of the shackle is covered, or shutter locks have a straight shackle, unlike other padlocks which are all hard to be tampered with when compared with the conventional padlocks.
Prevention Better Than Cure Says Container Manufacturers In UAE!
It is always better to take preventive actions of securing your container homes rather than regretting it later! Shipping Container Manufacturers In Dubai encourages protecting your container homes with methods which are rather cheap but provides adequate security to the containers. A combination of a padlock and padlock guard which is a protective metal cover for keeping the padlock secure and intact is a fine example of one such inexpensive method.
Another measure you should take is securing your doors and windows. The doors to your container homes should be with reinforcing metals that can be resistant to intruders. Also, the exterior hinges used in swinging doors should be of riveted pins and set screw pins that are not easily removable from outside, the latter providing protection even when the door is locked. Door studs could also be used that keeps the doors from being forced out of its frame. In addition, there are door bar locks that provide a metal barrier and electronic locks that use combinations, biometric locks which use fingerprints, etc, if you wish to go that extra mile of security!
Get Your Hands On Strong Storage Container Buildings!
Windows are one of the overlooked factors when it comes to the security of container homes. You could go for window covers and meshes that are a permanent solution to your security issues or window covers or using lockboxes for window protection. Lockboxes are mostly steel boxes used to lock in the doors, windows, etc so that it is inaccessible to being cut or tampered with.
Some people prefer to use alarm systems and security cameras for detecting any intruder presence while others simply put their dog on guard or put up signboards to keep trespassers off limits! While you could implement any of the above-mentioned methods for ensuring the safety of your containers, the first priority should be to get your hands only on strongly built containers which are resistant to all kinds of weather, intruders or animals even. Make sure you buy a container home or get it modified from only the best shipping container manufacturers in UAE!